The Genieri Collection

Registered in Scotland as Charity Number SC046573


The Gambia is poorer than we know.

Please help Jim and Sophie help the little ones.



Ways to Give



Paypal is quick and easy, and you don’t even need a Paypal account.  Simply tap on the  PayPal button  at the bottom of the page and you’ll automatically be directed to Paypal’s website.  Here you can detail the amount you wish to donate, and there’s a tick box to make it a periodic (monthly) donation if you wish, which would be just great.  You’ll then be given the option of using your Paypal account. If you don’t have one you can choose the type of card you wish to use.

Cheques should be made payable to Genieri Collections and sent to

Genieri Collections
c/o Houston
Pleanmill Cottages
Airth Station Road

Standing Order

A standing order for a periodic payment would be great, as we can more easily plan how we bring benefit to the Day Care Centre’s children.  It would be a great help indeed, and does not incur any Bank or PayPal charges – so more actually gets to the Village.
-              Setup  an order on your own Banks internet banking website, or
-              Write to your Bank enclosing a completed copy of the form you can find here.

Direct to our bank


Bank Name:                        Bank of Scotland

Address:                              PO Box 1000
                                              BX2 1LB
Sort Code:                           80-22-60

BIC/Swift:                            BOFSGBS1SDP
IBAN:                                   GB26 BOFS 8022 6014 712463
Account Name:                  Genieri Collections
Account Number:              14712463

Contact Us

Sophie:  07890 389 507

Jimmy:  07980 306 520